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Top 10 Lessons Every Aspiring CEO Should Learn: Insights from My First Four Years at

Jun 12, 2024

1. Challenge the Status Quo: Never accept "No" or "You can't" without first verifying the truth for yourself. Often, these responses come from those who only follow along without questioning. It will accelerate your progress immensely.

2. Embrace Courage: Cultivate fearlessness in your approach to life and work. Be audacious and go for it. 

3. Use Humor: Good humor can quickly strengthen client bonds.

4. Lead Proactively: Leadership isn't reserved for the top ranks. Take the initiative, conquer challenges bravely, and take Hills.

5. Be Committed and Protective: Always be the first to arrive and the last to leave when it concerns your clients. Serve them by advocating for their needs and shield them whenever possible from mistakes and landmines they don’t see coming. 

6. Continuously Seek Talent: Never cease in your quest to surround yourself with exceptional people. Business success hinges significantly on team quality.

7. Discourage Entitlement: Quickly identify and address entitlement ick. Your role isn't to babysit someone’s sense of self-importance, but to foster a culture of adult accountability.

8. Develop Recurring Revenue Streams: Diversify your income by building Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) streams. Relying solely on trading time for money is unsustainable and can lead to burnout.

9. Forge Strategic Partnerships: Establish and nurture partnerships that enhance your business's and your partner’s strategic value.

10. Have Fun: Ensure that your work is fun. I don’t mean fun like a rollercoaster. The second best kind of fun is when you are excited to get up and get to work. Enjoyment is crucial to maintaining passion and creativity.

I hope this helps someone.


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